Lorna Vanderhaeghe Multismart 180 VCaps

SKU: 87177600071
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According to a recent Canadian Community Health Survey, less than half of adults eat the minimum recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This amount of fruit and vegetables is required to get just the basic vitamins and minerals needed to maintain health. Vitamins and minerals are required to make hormones and digestive enzymes, to support your thyroid and much more. Often we hear that we get all of our nutrients from food and that we don't need extra vitamins and minerals. However, fruits and vegetables are harvested before they are ripe and they are grown on soils exhausted of nutrients. Broccoli, for example, contains half as much calcium and vitamin A as it did in 1975. Cauliflower contains 40 percent less vitamin C. Lifestyle also plays a role in depleting the body of nutrients. Oral contraceptives deplete the body of B vitamins and folic acid. Stress, alcohol, prescription medications, caffeine and carbonated drinks rob magnesium and other nutrients from the body. For all of these reasons, it is imperative that every woman, from teens to the elderly, take a multivitamin with minerals daily. MULTIsmart is a complete nutritional formula containing all the nutrients you need in easy-to-use powder packets or capsules. This formula contains the most absorbable forms of nutrients, including selenomethionine and vitamin B6 (required to make red blood cells), the right type of calcium that will not cause breast calcification, the best form of magnesium and more.

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