CanPrev Selenium Glycinate 200 120 VCaps

SKU: 85437800155
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Selenium is a trace mineral that is a key player in several functions your body performs daily. The greatest concentrations are found in the thyroid gland. Selenium is a component of the enzyme that helps convert T4 to T3, producing the active form of thyroid hormone that your body needs.

Selenium also plays an important role in prostate health, helping to maintain healthy levels of Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) which is the marker for prostate cancer. Doctors like to see those levels nice and low. Canadian men are encouraged to have their PSA levels checked when they turn forty, the age when prostate cancer screening becomes imperative for most men.

Although selenium is a mineral, it acts as an antioxidant as well by enhancing Vitamin E’s antioxidant activity and also helps replenish glutathione peroxidase, the body’s main free radical scavenger. Glutathione Peroxidase protects us from oxidative damage that can result from stress, radiation, pollution and infections. Now that’s one busy mineral!

NPN: 80078497


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