When fresh garlic is cut or crushed, a sulphur compound, alliin (alli-een) combines with an enzyme, alliinase and a chemical reaction starts. The first compound that is formed is allicin.
Unfortunately, allicin generated from fresh garlic is very unstable and quickly changes into a series of other sulphur-containing compounds, known as thiosulphinates. Allicin is the one compound that is always described as the "mother" substance and responsible in total or in part for many of the properties attributable to garlic!
ALLIMAX® is made in the same way that allicin from fresh garlic is formed but a special flood reaction system using only water is able to produce large quantities of stable allicin.
The liquid is then carefully dried, under controlled conditions, to maintain its potency. This sophisticated refinement process has for the first time allowed us to capture garlic's active component and deliver it directly to where your body needs it.
No other garlic supplements contain ANY allicin. They rely on your body being able to generate allicin once you have swallowed the tablet or capsule. Garlic oil supplements are produced by distilling fresh garlic, the oil that is produced is then diluted and placed into a capsule. This destroys most, if not all of the available allicin.
A few garlic powder supplements can generate some allicin but this depends on the prevailing stomach conditions and may take several hours to accomplish conversion to allicin. New ALLIMAX® doesn't need to wait to be converted since it actually IS allicin. When ALLIMAX® enters your stomach it dissolves for easy absorption into the bloodstream and breaks down to form allicin derivatives. The allicin in ALLIMAX® likes the acid environment of your stomach, unlike other supplements that can be inactivated by acidic conditions
Take one capsule daily, or more if recommended by your health care professional.
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