Living Alchemy Your Flora Man 60 VCaps

SKU: 62823391270
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Expertly formulated, Living Alchemy Your Flora® MAN is a fermented, whole food Symbiotic that promotes a healthy prostate balance and helps flow and funtion of urniary health.

Your Flora® MAN uses a unique living culture fermentation process Symbio™, a traditional Kefir-Kombucha fermentation with diverse strains of live micro-organisms, combined with organic cranberry juice and saw palmetto specifically for men needing improved digestion, healthy prostate, and urinary tract support.

Powered by Kefi-Soy™, Your Flora® MAN is unique formula with diverse strains of probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes and nutrients to support daily digestion, urinary, immune and gastrointestinal health.

NPN: 80110751


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