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To help you get to sleep naturally, we combined the most effective natural sleep aids. These have had a long history of safe, nonaddictive use. Some, like hops and chamomile, have a history of use spanning centuries.
Sleep8 helps rebalance your body’s natural circadian rhythm. Here’s a look at some of the ingredients in Sleep8:
Passionflower extract supports production of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) to suppress excessive brain activity and induce relaxation.
Melatonin supports circadian rhythms that regulate sleep cycles.
Skullcap extract supports the nervous system.
Although catnip drives cats crazy, it helps humans relax.
Magnesium, as highly bioavailable magnesium bisglycinate, supports the myelin sheaths that insu-late nerve fibers and support nervous system function.
Qiye Shen’an Pian herb supplies isolates which have been shown to be effective for the treatment of general anxiety disorder and insomnia. Qiye Shen’an Pian also supports the generation and mainte-nance of neurons within the cerebral cortex, that are responsible for memory consolidation, percep-tual awareness, and consciousness.
Sleep is critical; deep sleep is essential for tissue repair, committing information to long-term memory, and overall great health. Studies with laboratory animals have shown higher mortality rates for those exposed to sleep deprivation than to starvation. Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury.
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