THINKsport Mineral Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50+

SKU: 890397002806
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THINKsport Safe Sunscreen SPF is all natural and safe for you and your family. Be sure to pack it on all your family outings. Take it to the beach, to the zoo, on a cruise. But it's not just for your kids. Apply it before going for a run, after you hit the gym, or as daily sun protection before your morning commute. It is free of biologically harmful chemicals, Avobenzone, Oxybenzone, or UV Chemical absorbers and it is highly effective.

Featuring the highest level of Broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection, this non-GMO sun protection is perfect for daily use. Made in the USA, thinkbaby Safe Sunscreen has more awards than any other sunscreen and has been voted a favourite among moms, kids, and the Board of Education alike. Application: Be sure to apply all areas that will be exposed to sunlight, including behind the ears, neck, hands, feet, and scalp. Reapply every two hours or more as needed.

This formula applies very easily, spreading too thin is not recommended, otherwise you will decrease the effectiveness of the sunscreen.

NPN: 80026009


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